Legacy Society

Members of the Good Turn Society exemplify all that is most admirable about Scouting, including a commitment to service above self, a drive to go above and beyond to achieve an important goal, a willingness to be a model for others, and the courage to demonstrate leadership through their investment in Scouting.
Members generously commit to a new contribution to their choice of at least $25,000 to Council(s) and/or National divisions of their choosing to join the Good Turn Society to be paid over 1-5 installments. Membership level recognition will reflect lifetime giving to the Scouting America organization.
The Visionary Leader Distinction honors those who take their membership in the Good Turn Society to the next level with a planned gift to support Scouting.
Planned gifts that qualify include gifts in a will or estate plan, beneficiary designations, annuities, and more. If you are interested in securing your Visionary Leader distinction with a planned gift, please contact our Gift Planning Advisor Justin Rodstrom at [email protected].